Canada invites applications for funding to protect freshwater ecosystems
- December 19, 2023
- Posted by: Sinead Sprigg
- Category: Environmental, Tenders and Contracts, Water Issues, North America

Canadians are taking action to protect the health of precious freshwater ecosystems in watersheds across the country. These local activities are crucial to address water quality challenges that pose an increasing threat to freshwater ecosystems.
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change for Canada recently announced the launch of a call for proposals for projects aimed at protecting and restoring water quality and ecosystem health in the Great Lakes, the Lake Winnipeg Basin, and Lake of the Woods. This call for proposals follows the historic investments announced for fresh water in Budget 2023. Led by the Canada Water Agency, these Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives advance priorities under Canada’s strengthened Freshwater Action Plan by investing in partner-led projects that will have a positive and measurable impact on fresh water and Canadians.
Funded projects will restore and protect water quality, advance innovation, support community-based monitoring efforts, and apply Indigenous knowledge to support decision-making and action. Canadians across the country—such as Indigenous communities and organisations, non-governmental organisations, academic and research institutions, municipalities, watershed or conservation organisations, and businesses—may be eligible to apply.
Visit this link for more information on the call for proposals, including eligibility criteria and how to apply for funding. The submission deadline is February 15, 2024, for Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, and Lake of the Woods applications.
A second call for proposals under the Freshwater Action Plan, targeting the Saint John River, Lake Simcoe, and the EcoAction Community Funding Program, will open early in 2024. The call for proposals for the Community Interaction Program supporting projects for the Saint Lawrence River will follow.